wano, can u standby tonite?
ermm ok, but where n when, my dear boss?
JRC, level 2.
Ok, i'll b there.
=)...i tot nk tido awal dat nite, but responsible is still responsible, nk tanak, kna wat.
@ 9.00p.m, i was arrived JRC, just wearing t-shirt and slack, and ofcos ada sweater skali, kalo x, mati beku la dlm bilik server tuh...hukhukhuk...sesampai JRC, igtkn there's nobody except my boss n nazmi, but there's still have the others...malu siot pakai selekeh je...huarghaha...tp, acceptable la kan...dh mlm, pakai lawa2 watpe...tu sib bek x pakai baju tido je tuh...ahaksss...
then, b4 start the testing, we all(me, nazmi n en. Nadzri) busy configuring the routers. The task was to test pinging from the router . my boss look tired already coz he busy for the whole day long. Nazmi & i, tired also la...satu hari g training kan? pastu dpt mesej mlm kena dtg keje...hehehe
12.30a.m my boss ckp..."kesian anak saya, satu hari xjmpa saya." Ye la, mana xkesiannya, kuar keje pagi, anak xbgun lg, balik keje mlm, anak dh tido...cmner nk jmpa...pastu we ask him balik je la...let us proceed the test...
ooo yer...lupa nk citer...mlm tuh kan mlm besday i kan...hihihi...tgh2 wat testing tuh kan...tetiba dpt sms from aswad...wish bsday for me... i tot there's no one remember my bsday...coz my family pon forgot to wish me...so sad...but when i read the sms, i know that someone will always remember me out there. hahaha...he's the 1st dat wish me...cayalah...b4 this, my lil bro mesti yg 1st to wish me, smpai br kul 8mlm pon, dia dh wish...sbb takut org len cutting line dia nk wish...but this year...my lil bro forgot to wish me...till i ask him whether he still remember my bsday or not...but the reason is acceptable la...he was so busy at the hospital, to look after my grandpa...
my mom & dad also forgot bout my besday...camner nih??? ni nk marah nih...dorg yg berusaha membuatkan aku wujud kat dunia ni dgn izin Allah, then dorg lak yg lupa...sedey2...hehehe...but since both of them also beezee jaga tokki...so, anggapla mereka bukan sengaja wat2 lupa...hehehe...
so, mlm besday tuh, i arrived at home around 5:30 a.m, tu pon testing xsiap2 gak...mata dh asik nk katup jek...penat wooo...last2 ajak je nazmi tuh balik...dh xtahan...dgn sejuk bilik server lagi...mcm nk frozz dh tuh...ahahaha...pe lagi, sesampai je umah, terus pi basuh kaki, then masuk tido...xyah tggu subuh la...sbb time tuh aku ABC.
so, i've tried to sleep, but early in da morning, my boss sms suh email result from the testing...ayokkk... baru je nk lelap betol2... rupanya2 my boss dunno dat we all balik lmbt dat nite...he tot around 2-3 a.m, we all dh blah...hehehe...it's ok...so, dgn mata yg sememeh ni, aku pon tercongok la in front of my pc, then terkial2 la cari icon 'e' dgn cursor...apa tuh? nk masuk internet explorer la...nk buka webmail...nk emel bos...dh buka emel, lupa plak dh...result tuh dlm lptop, jenuh plak nk on lptop....buka lptop, lupa plak xleh nk connect wireless area apartment ni...kna pasang kabel streamyx la....so, with slow motion, aku pon pi la dpn tv tuh, cari kabel spare, then cucuk blkg lptop, nk smbung tenet...uishhh time ni tensen giler...dh cucuk2 kabel, xleh nk detect plak connection...time tuh i was blur...mmg blur...dh xleh pikir why the network is not connected...coz dh mls nk pikir, so, the solution is, amik pndrive, copy from laptop, then masuk bilik cucuk pndrive ke usb port then baru la leh send emel...time tuh mmg dh mcm xleh nk pikir apa...apa yg terlintas kat otak...itu la yg dibuatnyer...
then, there was sms dat asked me to attend meeting that afternoon...OMG...so, wut else to do? proceed to sleep or just wake up and take shower??? ha...nk mampos, smbung ler tido, nnti nk smpai opis kul bape? nk masuk meeting lg...then aku pon g la mandi, basuh baju sket2...then siap2...kuar dr umah kol 12...tu xbekpes lg tuh...smpat plak singgah kat medan makan usj 7, duk lepak mkn sorg2 kat situ...kira brunch la tuh, breakfast + lunch...hahaha...then smpai opis dlm kul 1, sbb federal jem gak la time tuh...then terus pi bilik meeting...muka ngntuk toksah nk citer...org yg tgk pon takut nk tegur...tu kalo org yg tak knal myself la...org yg dh kenal, slamber jek tegur, sbb dorg dh paham benar perangai minah yg sorg nih....hihihi...
masuk meeting, then my boss tnya,
balik kul bape smlm?
"kul 5.30 pg"
ishhh lewatnyer...igtkan korg balik awal....
hehehe then meeting berjalan seperti biasa, cuma aku je yg luar biasa time tuh, duk mnguap2...minit meeting? hohoho nk citer pon xreti...ada yg dpt catch up....ada yg tercicir terburai...xpe...my boss paham...dia pon xpaksa2 sgt...and dia pon tlg amik minit skali, so, slamat la aku....
dlm meeting, aswad lak sms, pasal nk kuar mkn lps opis hour, tmbh la aku x konsentret...
meeting abis kul 6, terus turun ke car park, then menuju ke pntai dalam sbb nk amik cik abg sorg tuh...
happy + penat + ngntuk...but after he gave me a besday present, muka ceria la sket...cover2 la sket kan, even penat cmner pon, takkan nk tarik muncung kot...so, destinasi seterusnya, midveli...Kenny rogers...ha...mkn ayam...mkn...mkn...dh abis mkn, blah....
ooo lupa,...
hadiah apa ek yg dpt td?
ermmm xpe la...balik nnti tgk la apa isi dlm tuh...
eh blom blah lg...pi cari mp4 idaman dulu...masuk sony center...dh abis...masuk carrefour...abis...nk cari mana?
jom pi tgk kat harvey norman la...
ha....jmpa pon...ishhh best2
abg, sy nk yg kaler pink ek...ada free gift kan?
dah setel sumer...apa lg, angkat kaki la...
on da way nk kuar dr parking kete...
alamak, en nadzri sms la...nk suh g keje lg ke mlm ni?
oooo...dia wish hepi besday rupanyer...selamat...hehehe =)
so, lps tuh balik la, anto cik abg tuh, then aku drive sngsorg ke subang jaya...ngntuk ...alhamdulillah...smpai gak umah...
jeng jeng jeng...apa lagi, buka hadiah lah...
what? perfume? wannur busuk ker?
poyo, tu la yg terlintas dlm pikiran masa mula2 buka hadiah...hahaha...tuan yg kasi mesti kecik ati ni kalo tau...tp, ntah cmner rs cam terpukul jek dpt hadiah tuh time tuh...tp, ...wannur, u have to think positive ok...positive...
hehehe,....apa2 pon, i'm really appreciate the present u gave me...not only the perfume...but everything...every single liltle thing...