today...lots of things happened...early in da morning aku da bangun subuh cam biasa...but at this time, aku xsambung tido cam, terus masuk dapur, prepare breakfast...meehoon goreng....ok la tuh, dr xde pape nk makan sgt...ari ni masuk dapur tnpa bantuan sesiapa...coz...chef nur dh terer masak! hahaha...xde la...aku bukannyer xterer masak...bleh la masak a lil bit...but yg simple2 la,....kalo nk suh masak nasi dagang...nasi beriyani tuh...mampos la....yg tuh mmg tatau...cuma aku ni lazy sket kot...hahaha...i dun like when people ask me to do sumthing...just let me do it if i think i need to do it...btol ke aku ckp ni??? arghhh lantakler...
da siap masak, served la hidangan tuh makan sama dgn hosmetku......dh siap makan, g basuh baju lak...pastu mandi n get ready nk g servis kete kat perodua...tggu kak sikin dtg ...sbb aku nk tgglkan kete kat perodua tuh n nk g window shopping kat sunway pyramid....lgpon staf perodua tuh ckp kete tuh mayb siap dlm kol 3ptg...appointment aku kol 11.50pg...lama tuh nk, coz dun wanna waste time...baik wat mende lain selain duk melangok tggu kete siap kan???dlm citer nih...sue pon join new hosmet...adik lg, i'm feel like i'm older than b4...coz sumone call me 'akak''s ok...i need to realize that i'm not always young...but getting older...and older...dats wat we circle...
dh smpai kat sunway pyramid...dpt parking baik punyer! btol2 dpn pintu shoping mall...dh rezeki...then 3 budak separuh masak nih masuk la ke dlm dunia org2 yg ....nk kata cmner ek...xpe la...aku paham sndiri dh ler...perjalanan diteruskan dgn menggunakan high heel...sehingga aku sakitpinggang n kaki duk berjalan byk...pastu, g cucuk duit...sbb dh nk start shoping...but b4 isi perut dulu....baru la get more energy 4 window shopping...rite???
mula2 skali...first destination yg dituju ialah popular bookstore...aku g cari buku idaman hati...dh jmpa baru la masuk JUSCO...ha...part dh enter JUSCO ni la yg wat aku rasa sedih nih...ntah pape la...but let me keep inside me, myself and i....i dun think i'm ready to share it with other...nk, xterluah...huhuhuhu
then, pi la cari lingerie utk aku, kak sikin n sue skali...then tlg pilihkan hadiah utk kwn kak sikin yg baru kawin....smpaikn perodua tepon aku pon...aku xsedar...punyer la syok duk memilih barang...duk ke sana ke mari...sedar2 jam dh kol 4 ptg...x solat zuhur lagi rupanyer...cpt2 la cari surau...sib baik senang nk, masuk surau tuh...terkejut giler la aku bersama sue...yaAllah apa nk jd dunia skrg...punyer la kecik surau tuh...leh sembahyang serentak hnya 3 org jek...punyer la kecik surau tuh...bilik tido aku ni lg besar bnding dgn surau tuh....yg malunyer...budak kecik yg ikut mak dia nk solat pon leh ckp...."keciknyer rumah ni ma..."word 'kecik'...budak2 pon dh pandai...dlm manusia duk sibuk2 terkejar2 kebendaan...sunway piramid punyer la besar...surau tuh cinonet jek...tu menunjukkan...manusia 'ISLAM' skrg pon dh xramai sgt la kot...sbb surau pon leh menampung 3 jemaah je dlm 1 masa...mayb kalo yg pompuan tuh pe'od kot...xpon...dh solat awal2 kat umah kot...bersangka baik la wano....
dlm 4.30 la kitorg bergegas kuar dr, nk cari exit punyer la susah...kejap naik...kejap turun....huhuhu sib baik kuar gak...kalo x, mmg cukup la tawaf dlm parking sunway tuh...dh kuar dr sunway...kak sikin anto aku ke perodua amik kete...smpai sana...kna lak tggu dlm 10min...apa punyer lembab la servis...aku dh kasi masa kecederaan dh tuh...dia janji kol 3ptg siap...aku kasi masa tambahan smpai 4.30ptg pon...susah gak nk setelkan sumernyer...ishhh menambahkan tensen yg sedia ada jek
dh dpt kete...rush balik umah lak...nk solat asar n dd dtg amik nk ajak g care4 lak...sbb nk g cari baju pengapit dd kawin...aku jd pengapit?? cam xcaya, percayalah.........hahahaha...bila la plak turn aku yer????tp, bila masuk 1st lady tuh...sumer baju aku xberkenan...xde satu pon memikat hati limpa pedal sumer nih....last2 balik tgn kosong sekonyong2 nyer...hahaha...sian dd, sori for wasting ur time....lain kali la, dd pon anto ler aku balik umah ....n sumer nyer back to daily routine...n now, i'm so je abis tgk citer a cinderella story....lizzie, now, turn aku lak bermimpi jd cinderella...jgn mimpi la!!!! gudnite
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Love, Life & Lost
Sunday, March 02, 2008
I'm waiting...
Reading Materials
Jerebu??9 years ago
Tilam BabyCot9 years ago
Set Shaklee untuk Kanak-Kanak10 years ago
Semoga dirimu berbahagia...10 years ago
Ohh My Gas! Eskrim11 years ago
Arm cover12 years ago
TTC12 years ago
7 Jun 201212 years ago
101.12 years ago
ingatkan dah pass away..13 years ago
Diari Raya 215 years ago
Award lagi da....16 years ago
About this blog
Welcome to .
This blog belongs to me ,
so I write whatever I love to .
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I dont mind if you do .
If you respect me , I'll respect you .
~Message from ♥ cUtiE PriNceSs~ .
This blog belongs to me ,
so I write whatever I love to .
If you dislike it,
Kindly press on the big [ X ] .
I dont mind if you do .
If you respect me , I'll respect you .
~Message from ♥ cUtiE PriNceSs~
♥ cUtiE PriNceSs
Welcome to .
This blog belongs to me ,
so I write whatever I love to .
If you dislike it .
Kindly press on the big [ X ] .
I dont mind if you do .
If you respect me , I'll respect you .
Welcome to .
This blog belongs to me ,
so I write whatever I love to .
If you dislike it .
Kindly press on the big [ X ] .
I dont mind if you do .
If you respect me , I'll respect you .
About Me ♥
~ KnoW me bEtTer ~
^ Spontaneous
^ Rare to find
^ Great when found
^ Loves being in long relationships
^ The one
^ So much love to give
^ Not one to mess wit
^ Very pretty
^ Very romantic
^ Nice to everyone
^ My Love is one of a kind
^ Silly, fun and sweet
I like:
^ noVeL
^ SlEep
^ eAt
I love
* My PaRent
* mY famILy
* mY FreNz
* aNyOne wHo luv Me tOo
~car dah dpt kelisa yg comey, TQ ayah!
~GREAT JOB!...Alhamdulillah
~ my Own H0nDA JaZz
~ roMantiC huBBy...heheHe
~ my Own house...
~ KnoW me bEtTer ~
^ Spontaneous
^ Rare to find
^ Great when found
^ Loves being in long relationships
^ The one
^ So much love to give
^ Not one to mess wit
^ Very pretty
^ Very romantic
^ Nice to everyone
^ My Love is one of a kind
^ Silly, fun and sweet
I like:
^ noVeL
^ SlEep
^ eAt
I love
* My PaRent
* mY famILy
* mY FreNz
* aNyOne wHo luv Me tOo
~ my Own H0nDA JaZz
~ roMantiC huBBy...heheHe
~ my Own house...
~Santapan Jiwa~
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I'm waiting...